Integrating Multiple Return Values into Go Functions: Named vs. Anonymous Styles

The choice between named and anonymous return styles in Go is a matter of preference, function complexity, and the need for clarity in your codebase.

When it comes to writing clean and efficient Go code, understanding how to leverage the language's support for multiple return values is essential. In Go, not only can functions return more than one value, but these values can also be named, providing a clear indication of their purpose. However, this naming is not mandatory, leading to two distinct coding styles: named and anonymous. Let's explore these styles and their implications through a practical guide, similar to how one would extend a static site generator like Docusaurus with additional functionality.


Go's multiple return values feature is akin to having multiple outputs from a single operation, which can be highly beneficial in organizing code and reducing the need for additional variables or structures to hold intermediate results.

Named Return Style

The named return style involves explicitly declaring and naming each return value at the beginning of the function signature. This approach can enhance code readability, especially when the purpose of each return value is descriptively stated.


func CalculateDistance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2 float64) (distance float64, err error) {
    // ... calculation logic ...
    return distance, err

In this example, the function CalculateDistance returns two values: the calculated distance and an error. The named return values make it clear what each output represents.

Anonymous Return Style

Conversely, the anonymous return style does not pre-declare the return values. Instead, they are assigned and returned within the function body. This can lead to more concise code, especially in simple functions.


func CalculateDistance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2 float64) (float64, error) {
    distance := /* ... calculation logic ... */
    if someErrorCondition {
        return 0, err
    return distance, nil

Here, the return values are not named, and their types are specified in the function signature. This style is more succinct but may be less clear, especially in functions with multiple return values or when dealing with complex error handling.

Practical Considerations

When deciding between named and anonymous return styles, consider the following:

  1. Readability: Named return values can make it easier to understand the purpose of each return value, similar to how well-commented code can enhance comprehension.
  2. Maintainability: If your function's signature is likely to evolve, named return values can make it easier to add or remove return values without extensive changes to the function body.
  3. Error Handling: Named error returns can be particularly useful as they allow for clear documentation and handling of different error cases.
  4. Conciseness: For simple functions where brevity is preferred, anonymous returns may be more appropriate.


The choice between named and anonymous return styles in Go is a matter of preference, function complexity, and the need for clarity in your codebase. As with many aspects of software development, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Consider the trade-offs and choose the style that best fits your project's requirements and your team's coding standards.

For more information on Go's multiple return values and to see examples of how they can be effectively used, refer to the Go documentation and explore various Go projects on platforms like GitHub.